Some questions and inquiries about the medical services provided, what to follow during the treatment stages and multiple medical advice that the patient can benefit from.


Does your laser hair removal device support all skin types?

Yes, the device located in Subhi Clinic supports laser hair removal for all skin types:

  • Brown skin
  • White skin
  • Dark skin

It also has the ability to remove the hair through its modern technology.

The dermatologist advises you to make sure that if you are in any other clinic that the device supports this, and inquire before starting laser hair removal procedures.

What are the tips when using slimming devices?

When performing slimming sessions through body sculpting and agility devices, you should take into consideration the following in order to get a slim and consistent body:

  • Follow a diet to help with weight loss.
  • Exercise.
  • Attend program sessions without interruption to reach the desired results.
  • Drinking water in sufficient quantities daily

What tips are provided when installing Hollywood smile lenses?

Hollywood smile lenses are a paradigm shift in the world of dental beautification and offer the perfect solution and a bright white smile for those who use it, but you should follow some tips to keep the lenses healthy and beautiful:

  • Do not use the front teeth when eating harsh foods such as: cereals, fruits, vegetables, etc.
  • Do not use teeth to open solid objects.
  • Use a Night Guard in case of night squeaks.
  • Take care to clean the gums and use oral flashes especially when drinking coffee or tea.
  • See your doctor every 3 or 6 months to periodically assess the condition of the lenses (free of charge for one year)

Best doctor for pregnancy follow-up!

A lot of women ask that question. I want the best doctor for my pregnancy follow-up, the answer isn’t that easy.

When asked, you should choose who you trust, be the one who has tested your gynecologist and make sure that she has experience in pursuing pregnancy through the following:

  • Follow-up of the health of the fetus in the stages of its development, which is essential in the follow-up of pregnancy.
  • To ensure that the fetus is free of any problems through 4D imaging and trasonde imaging.
  • Help women in pregnancy and follow up on their health.
  • To conduct the necessary periodic check-ups.

So you have to overpass this stage to reach the stage of delivery safely, and then reached the best doctor follow-up pregnancy

Does peeling process remove acne?

Exfoliation or what is known as skin sanding does not treat acne, but it treats its effects.

There are many types of peeling:


Crystal exfoliation rejuvenates skin cells by removing the outer layer of the skin or by removing dead and accumulated cells from the skin.


Chemical peeling depends on several types and begins with light peeling to end with deep peeling, depending on the needs of the skin

Laser peeling:

Laser peeling is used for several cases, including

Unify ing skin color.

Treat the effects of acne.

wrinkles down the eyes.

Exfoliation in general helps restore freshness and remove surface and medium effects and some of the deep effects of the skin

What are the complications of tonsillitis and should it be removed?

Tonsils represent the immune system of children under the age of three, and when inflammation the child suffers from a fever up to 39 degrees with difficulty of swallowing.

Children usually develop tonsillitis, but when the condition is repeated more than four times during the same year, it should be removed.

Complications of recurrence of inflammation include complications in the joints, kidneys and heart, and the tonsils are infected with a viral or bacterial infection by mixing with the infected child, especially in closed areas.

As for the tonsillectomy, it is simple and the child is discharged from the hospital on the same day of the operation.

I have allergic asthma and I’m afraid of infecting others!

Asthma is a non-communicable disease, and for your safety you should take the right medication and stay away from allergens:

  • Perfume
  • Incense
  • Dust
  • Smoking
  • And the wild ness of the animals.
  • Pollen

All of which irritate the respiratory tract in the patient.

We also note that allergic asthma has several symptoms, including:

  • Cough
  • Alatas
  • Breathlessness

You should ensure that the case is monitored periodically with the competent doctor and not neglected.