
The compound paid great attention in the nutrition and diet field which lead to opening a nutrition and diet clinic that was equipped with what was needed to follow up the conditions of patients, and determine the amount of calories needed to be consumed in order for the patient to lose weight through a diet program organized according to their condition

-body fat and fluid measurement device-

* Measure the current weight and identify the ideal weight to be reached

* Acknowledge your body mass and measure the degree of adversity, the degree of risk to your health and related diseases

* Determine the burn rate and the percentage of calories the body needs

* Identify the proportions of fluids in the body (water) through it we can identify the percentage of fluids needed for the body.

* Acknowledge the body fat, the natural percentage, the mass of fat per kilogram in the body and ideal mass of the body

* Muscle and bone ratios in the body

*  The fat percentage, muscle and bone in the right hand, left hand, right leg, left leg and abdominal area

* The ideal muscle mass is supposed to be found in both the right and left hand, great and left leg, and the abdominal area

-The services that the patient receives in their first visit to the nutrition clinic

* measuring the current weight, height and the ideal healthy weight

* Determine the accumulated fat in the body

*  determine the calories that the body needs per day as well as the sports needed to be followed with a diet to get rid of the excess weight

-test that are required to perform-

* blood test / cholesterol/ thyroid/ urine ( preferred while fasting)

-types of programs that are offered in the clinic:-

* Nutrition and diet for three months without any tests or measuring fat

* Diet program eight visits with tests. Eight visits without test + fat measurements

* The ideal program “ nutrition + 5 LPG sessions + fat measurement sessions for weight loss

* Nutrition program three visits + 5LPG sessions + fat measurement for weight loss

* Nutrition program four visits without tests + fat measurements