More than one integrated woman’s clinic is occupied to provide the care needed for the mother through her services of ovulation and pregnancy follow ups and four dimensional image of the fetus until the arrival of the delivery stage, under the supervision of specialized do you know gynecologist.
The services provided at the clinic are:
- Follow-up pregnancy as part of the pregnancy follow-up program and check the condition of the fetus.
- Early detection of breast tumors with routine screening and breast eographic procedure.
- Provide solutions for infertility by following ovulation and performing hormonal tests as well as imaging of the colored uterus “dye rays” if necessary.
- Artificial insemination.
- Provide appropriate treatment for pre-manopausal disorders.
- Treatment of gynecological infections and early detection of cervical cancer by conducting cervical cell test analysis or cervical scan
- Pap Smear test
- Hormonal and regular walling + birth control implant (if available)
- Propose a proper contraceptive method for each patient.
- Treatment of cervical ulcers with an electrical ironing procedure for the cervix.
- Removal of imperinated imperitus implants.
- Postpartum wound care and removal of stitches if necessary.
- Cases of anemia and treatment with intravenous iron sessions.
- Treatment of complex gestational vomiting cases with nutrients, venous and muscular needles.
- Cases where sonar is needed (pregnancy or other conditions):-
- Monitoring and follow-up of ovulation by an expert gynaecologist in this field
- Follow-up of the ovary.
- Non-functional uterine bleeding.
- Primary and secondary menopause.
- There is special mammary rays if a lump is suspected within the breast.
- Abdominal pain, pregnancy pains and pains caused by the presence of inflammatory ovarian cysts or renal causes of abdominal pain.
- Infertility and delayed pregnancy are a burden for women, as women’s clinics have paid attention to the treatment of infertility and delayed pregnancy using microscopic injections.
Pregnancy and childbirth follow-up programs
Every woman is looking for a women’s clinic and a highly experienced doctor to follow during the months of pregnancy and postpartum while we at Alsubhi Clinics are always looking for the best.
Normal pregnancy follow-up program: includes 7 test (blood type/anemia/blood sugar/urine/hepatitis/rubella/texplasma analysis
(Cat germ).
Advanced pregnancy follow-up program in which the previous tests are added special viral tests (HBS / HIV / CMV) in addition to the tests of calcium and iron and the number of reviews one month (3 reviews within 3 months) and a x-ray is taken once per visit.
During pregnancy or follow-up, the mother should visit a good and specialized gynecologist who supports the mother during the stages of her pregnancy. And that’s for you and your next baby.
Because your health matters to us…
For the necessary tests and follow-up of your pregnancy, please call the following numbers.
Al rawda east riyadh
0534142222 – 0112335000